Global styles allows you to change the template options within the entire email, without having to access each component individually; meaning editing your template is now even easier!

The global settings option appears on the far right of the template; you can use the global style icon to see the available global style changes.

When selected you will see all options for 'global style' which include your font styles, background colours and line height.

You do not have to edit every option, and can edit only one option if desired and once you have pressed 'save' the template will now be updated. If you make a change prior to saving that you are unhappy with, simply press 'revert'.

The 'Mode' section gives you two options. 'Default' or 'Replace'.

Default mode will change all template settings regardless of any default settings applied.

Replace mode will only change the options where it is not set to a default value. (default being no colour selected, no line height selected, no font family selected etc).