How to make sure your email looks great on mobile, desktop, iPad, tablets, etc

Every email built via the Force24 template editor using Force24 developed code snippets is fully mobile compliant.


It makes great sense to check every email you create in a mobile environment.


When you are editing an email in the content mode, you can open the preview mode by clicking the preview button:



Once you arrive in the Device preview mode you can use the Device selector menu to simulate the artwork in various device types:



When you have selected a particular device you may also preview the artwork in the portrait or landscape mode.






Or you may wish to test the artwork in a totally unique environment to test "edge cases":



Once you have finished previewing the artwork you may select the pencil icon again to recommence editing.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us through the live chat function available bottom right in your Force24 Platform. Our team is ready to assist you and provide support whenever you need it.