A "mailto" link is a type of hyperlink that allows users to open their default email client and compose a new email message to a specific email address. When a user clicks on a "mailto" link, it automatically opens a new email composition window with the recipient's email address pre-filled.

A standard mailto: link looks like this:



When the "mailto" link is clicked, it triggers the user's default email program to open, pre-filling the "To" field with the email address "test@force24.co.uk".

This can be added as an inserted link in text and CTA buttons.

To include additional content, such as subject lines, CC/BCC recipients, and body text, you can utilise a specific tool called the Force24 Mailto Tool. 

This tool, accessible at https://tools.force24.co.uk/mailtotool.php, enables you to customise and enhance your email composition by adding subject lines, including CC/BCC recipients, and inserting body text.

mailto: link with subject line



By clicking on this link, it would initiate the creation of an email addressed to "test@force24.co.uk" with the subject line set as "this is a subject."

mailto: link CC & BCC fields

NOTE: As soon as you add a 2nd parameter (“subject” was our first parameter, now we’re adding “cc” and “bcc”), you need to separate all your parameters with an ampersand (&). You begin your parameters, after the mailto:test@force24.co.uk, with a question mark (?), but use ampersands (&) to separate parameters after that.

Adding CC & BCC fields is as simple as adding a subject.



Adding multiple emails for these fields would look like this:



mailto: adding body content

Adding a message in the email body. Again, it’s just as easy as before, but be careful of your character encodings. We are using the body parameter. Here’s an example of a mailto: link with subject, body, cc & bcc fields.



Common character encodings

  • space = %20

  • line break / carriage return = %0D%0A

  • question mark = %3F

  • forward slash = %2F

  • colon = %3A

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us through the live chat function available bottom right in your Force24 Platform. Our team is ready to assist you and provide support whenever you need it.