If you have created a Force24 form, you can view submissions easily from within the platform!

First of all, you will need to head to the Forms section of the platform:

Once there, you will be able to see all of your active forms.  If you need help with creating a form, check out our article on how to do this!

To see submissions for a particular form, you will need to hover over the form in question which will bring up these two buttons:

You will need to click submissions and then you will be taken to the submissions report page which will look like this:

The blue panel at the top left of the submissions page contains basic information about the form, such as when it was created and when it was last modified.  You can also click to edit the form in the form builder.

Filtering is also really important when it comes to forms, as these can be used in many different places on many different websites.  You can filter by pressing the Filter button in the top right corner of the submissions page:

Upon clicking the filter button, you will see a range of options of how to filter your form.  This includes:

1) Date/time filtering:

2) Website:

This allows you to select the name of the website or microsite that the form appears in:

3) Page:

You can then further filter according to pages within the microsite/website you have selected:

4) Publish Locations:

This refers to the address you have published the page to:

5) Version:

Every time you make a change to your form, this will create a new version which you can then filter according to.

6) Form Names

This allows you to filter according to the names you have used for the form on different pages.

To see who meets the criteria for your filters, you need to press the Apply Filter button:

You may note that there is both a Mapped Submissions view as well as Submission fields.

Mapped submissions will show you the data as it appears against the contact in the Force24 data storage. This is where you have mapped values to Force24 standard fields or your Custom Extension Fields.

Submission fields will allow you to see the RAW data that was submitted into the fields in the form. This data may not have all been mapped against a contact field in Force24.

You can also further filter according to Submission Date!

To view a single contact at any stage, in any view, you can click the person icon to view.

You may also wish to Export the form submission data. This function will export the form submissions rather than the mapped data. In other words it will export the RAW form submission data as entered by the user on the website.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us through the live chat function available bottom right in your Force24 Platform. Our team is ready to assist you and provide support whenever you need it!