When your data upload has completed, you may see some error records like below:


The number of error records is the number of contacts in your file that have not been uploaded onto your F24 account.

This can be for a number of reasons, to check what has happened you can click 'download' which will download an Excel sheet with the error records on for you to view.

When the file has downloaded you should be able to see the reason each contact has errored in the first column, titled 'error description'.

Common error descriptions include:

Duplicate in Source Data - This suggests that your contact appeared more than once in the upload file. This wouldn't require rectification as email address is the unique identifier for contacts in Force24.

Invalid Email Address - The email address in the upload is not valid. The email would need to be checked and updated accordingly.

Invalid Data Type - One of your contact fields that you have mapped whilst uploading does not match the data type it is expecting. For example, you have tried to map text data in your file to an integer contact field in F24 (as shown below). This would require rectification. The contact field would need to map to the correct data type, so either another F24 contact field would need to be created, or the data in your file adjusted accordingly.

No Email/Telephone number provided - We require an email or telephone number for a contact to be created in F24. This would need to be provided to allow the contact to be uploaded.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us through the live chat function available bottom right in your Force24 Platform. Our team is ready to assist you and provide support whenever you need it!