We have implemented a process in platform that will now automatically delete, archive or stop journeys with no activity within specified date ranges. This process will allow quicker load times, an organised dashboard and journey page. The purpose of this is to free up space for you to produce more of the journeys and content you need.

So what happens next?

Periodically you will be sent an email notification to alert you of any journeys that will meet the criteria to get stopped, archived or deleted. This of course will then be visible via your 'Journey Manager' page where you can access the journeys meeting the criteria.

The new 'apply filters' option on this page will allow the ability to now filter by journeys in any of the criteria. Journeys due to be stopped or archived can be viewed from the default page (All), you may notice that 'due to be deleted' is not available from this page. 

To access templates due to be deleted, please visit from the 'archived' tab.

What is the criteria for the journey process?

Dormant journeys
A journey classified as 'dormant' will be stopped after 30 days. A dormant journey is a live journey that has had no identifiable activity (no contacts have been triggered into the journey) within the past 30 days. The master user(s) will receive an email notification 15 days and 1 day prior to the journey stopping.

Archiving stopped journeys
If a journey has been moved to the 'Stopped' status, it will be archived after 420 days from this point. The master user(s) will receive an email notifications 180 days and 15 days prior to moving the journey to the archived status.

Delete archived journeys
Journeys that have been moved to the 'Archived' status will now have a cycle of 30 days before they will be permanently deleted. The master user(s) will receive an email notifications 7 days and 1 day prior to the deletion of your archived journey.

What happens to my Journey Statistics?

Your Journey statistics will be held at top level and can be viewed by visiting the 'Automated campaigns' page. You will see sent count, clicks, opens, bounces and unsubscribes. 

Prior to journey deletion, you can also export any necessary statistics by using our 'export' functionality.

Can I prevent a journey from being removed?

A master user has the ability to assign the user permission to manage the journey clean up process. This can be achieved from 'user management' in 'account settings' by pressing the '...' icon beside the user you would like to update, and then selecting 'Yes' on the permission '

Ability to manage journey clean up process'.

Once these permissions are assigned, your journey settings will be updated to allow two new check options at the bottom of the page. 

These are: 

  • 'Do not allow automatic journey stop after 30 days of activity' 

This means any journey with the permission assigned will not stop after 30 days even if it has been idle/has had no contact activity for 30 days.

  • 'Do not allow automatic journey deletion'

This means any journeys with this checked will not be automatically deleted after full process of stoppage and archival have been completed.

If you want to prevent your journey from being automatically stopped or deleted, you should tick both options as shown below.

Please note that any banners on your journey indicating that it's due to be deleted or stopped will take an hour or so to be removed after you action this.

If you no longer need a journey, but would like to save the template for future use, please use our new 'Journey templates' tool to save to your library of content.

If you have any other questions, please reach out to our live chat who will be able to assist!