You may notice in the Journey Stages section of your journey report, that there is a "Skip Count" given for any email/SMS stages.
Contacts will appear in this count and will have been skipped in the email send if their Email Status in the platform is anything other than "Active". This includes contacts that have unsubscribed or bounced (hard bounce or several soft bounces).
Force24 will only attempt to send marketing emails to contacts that have an active email status in the platform, to prevent emails going to unsubscribed contacts or invalid addresses.
If you click on the figure given and then "View Contacts", you should be able to investigate why these particular contacts were skipped in your email send by viewing their email status field:
It's also worth noting that 'Skip Count' may include contacts that have opted-out of particular sub-preferences, but still have an active email status overall.
If you are still unsure about the figures in your journey reports after reading the help articles we have on the topic, please feel free to pop up on our live chat and we will be happy to assist!