Within your 'Email Templates', the 'Genius Blocks' feature presents you with the opportunity to further personalise the content of your emails. 'Genius Blocks' allows you to include snippets specific to contacts of different marketing lists, all within the same Email Template.
Firstly, select the Email Template you wish to add 'Genius Blocks' to and ensure you are within the 'Layout' mode at the top of the page.
Hover over the snippet you wish to make a 'Genius Block' and the edit options below will appear:
Select the eye icon and the following 'Genius Block' pop up will appear, enabling you to manage which contacts can see the snippet you have selected.
Here you can stipulate whether you would like to 'Show' or 'Hide' the snippet to the specified marketing list, by selecting the tabs on the left-hand side.
Select 'Is' or 'Is Not', dependant on whether you selected the 'Show' or 'Hide' tab and whether you wish the snippet to be visible or not to the specified marketing list.
Now, in the prompted field, type and select your specified marketing list.
In the example below, the selected snippet would be visible to the 'F24 test' marketing list.
Once you are happy with options selected and the marketing list specified, click 'Save'. The snippet will be updated, and the 'Genius Block' will have been added to your template
Within your template, any 'Genius Blocks' will be identified with the eye icon appearing on the right of the 'Genius Block' within the template.
Once you are happy with the layout and content of your email, we would advice testing to ensure that your 'Genius Blocks' have been organised correctly.
To preview the 'Genius Blocks', select the 'Preview' option on the toolbar, exactly the way you would normally preview your template.
This will present you with the existing preview screen, with the addition of the 'Genius Blocks' section on the right-hand side.
The 'Referenced Marketing Lists' section provides you with the marketing lists referenced within the template. These marketing lists appear in blue tabs indicating that they are available to select for preview in the next section.
The 'Select Marketing Lists For Preview' section allows you to stipulate which of the marketing lists you would like to preview the template for.
The preview section will automatically contain each of the marketing lists referenced within the template, so the initial preview will contain all of the 'Genius Blocks' you have added.
To preview the email for a particular marketing list, simply select the blue tab, featuring the marketing list name you do not wish to feature, under the 'Referenced Marketing Lists' heading, or select the cross within the tab of the marketing list you do not wish to feature within your preview, to achieve the same result.
In the example below, the template preview we wish to view is for the 'F24 Test list' marketing list, so the 'Test List' marketing list has been removed and the preview has updated and contains the email that contacts within the 'F24 Test list ' marketing list would receive.
To re-add the removed marketing list as an option for the preview, simply click the removed marketing list tab under the 'Referenced Marketing Lists' heading and this will add both marketing lists as options for preview again.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us through the live chat function available bottom right in your Force24 Platform. Our team is ready to assist you and provide support whenever you need it.