To begin, you must make sure you have downloaded the Google Authenticator app to your mobile device using your appropriate application store.

To start, please select  "User Settings" by clicking the cog icon in the top right of the screen.

When the page opens, go to the 'Security' section and select the 'Yes' tab on the right of the 'Use two factor authentication'.

This will open the 2FA setup screen with a QR code:

Open your Google Authenticator App and click the '+' button in the top right corner:

The app will then present you with an option to 'Scan Barcode', or 'Manual Entry':

'Scan Barcode' will open the camera and allow you to scan the QR code presented.

'Manual entry' will allow you to input the code.

When you have scanned the Barcode, the app will return to the home screen with the Force24 account. Enter the numbers shown into the section titled 'Activation code from Google Authenticator app'

Once you click 'Activate' your account will be secured using 2FA.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us through the live chat function available bottom right in your Force24 Platform. Our team is ready to assist you and provide support whenever you need it!