How make decision delays differ from a normal delay component.

When using a make decision in a journey, you will get the option to add a delay to the make decision, like the below example which has a 5 day delay:

This make decision is asking whether contacts have opened Email 1 in the journey. And the delay in this make decision differs from a normal delay component delay, as the minute contacts meet this criteria, they will advance through the YES in the make decision and onto whatever stage is linked after the 'YES' in the make decision. Contacts will only be held in this delay for the full 5 days if they do not meet the criteria in this make decision, which in this case is whether they have opened email 1.

So if you want to send another email to the contacts who do meet the yes criteria in your make decision, but don't want to do this as soon as they meet the 'YES' criteria, then it would be worth adding an extra delay after the 'YES' component, like below:

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