Before you launch your journey, it's crucial to thoroughly review every detail to ensure a smooth and successful execution. 

This checklist is designed to help you verify all critical components and settings, ensuring your campaign runs seamlessly from start to finish.

1. Journey enrollment settings.

The journey enrollment settings can be found in the settings tab of your journey. This determines the frequency in which a contact may pass through the same journey.

The default setting you will see selected is:

“Add contacts to the journey only the first time they meet the start audience filter requirements.”

This is the default and recommended position. This will not allow a user ever to run through the same journey more than once.

The alternative setting is:

“Add contacts to the journey every time they meet the start audience filter requirements after at least X days and X hours since they were last added/completed”

This will allow a contact to run through the journey again, as long as it has not been through the journey in the time frame specified.


2. Is Your Start Audience Correct? 

  • Have you clicked 'Found Contacts'?
  • Have you verified your AND and OR operators?
  • If the logic is complex, should you run it through a contact search to spot check some contacts?


3. Are All Delays Correct?

  • Have you reviewed static delays (orange components)?
  • Have you throttled and checked your send windows?    
  • Have you checked dynamic delays in decisions (red components)? These decisions are conditional and wait for specific criteria to be met. Once someone meets the criteria, they will immediately flow through the decision points. Will this effect when they may receive the next email?

Example below.

Example of Orange delay component - static delay

Example of Red decision delay - conditional timing delay


4. Do You Require a Mask in the Email Component?

  • If so, does the domain of the email send server match the reply address in the blue decision component?

What is Mask from?


5. Is Your Journey Valid?

  • To validate your journey, check under the components on the right-hand side, under validation errors. Does this say 'Journey is valid' ? If not ensure each component feeds into another component, eventually leading to an 'End Journey'. Verify that decision components have both 'Yes' and 'No' paths connected to subsequent components.


6. Have You Checked Your Journey Settings?

  • Are the enrolment settings configured correctly?
  • Do you need to set a stop date for the journey upon completion of contacts?
  • Should the journey be excluded from the archive?

Understanding my Journey Enrolment Settings?


7. Have You Named Each of Your Components Correctly?

Ensure each of your email components is labelled distinctly to avoid all being named 'send' email, which aids in reporting. For example, “Newsletter Email 1” and “Newsletter 1- Resend”

 All components can be renamed to help you understand what each component is doing. For example, “Newsletter Email 1” and “Newsletter 1- Resend”


**Top Tip**


Don't forget that line connectors can originate from any side of a component. This not only ensures your journey is as tidy and efficient as possible but also helps you view the flow with ease when you come back to it.